Monday, December 27, 2010

Chapter : This Christmas

This Christmas I gave my boyfriend a handmade card and some joke t-shirt that says, “Thanks. I work out” which I know that he would never fit it in and a computer ram. 

Funny story about the card, on the eve of Christmas, I was out at his place hanging out, then by the time he sent me home, it was pretty late at night and I haven’t wrapped his gifts nor done the card. So burning the midnight oil, I lugged out my dusty old light box which I used for my 2d animation during my college days and spent the night tracing my drawing and then colouring it with my dried out markers. 

I was having fun colouring the card because it really reminded me of my college days working late nights finishing some marker rendering work which I know that I can never do it well because I can’t make my artwork look realistic enough. 

Then on Christmas day, we both went over to our friend’s place and there was a massive spread of food. Turkey, cake, spaghetti and loads more. I literally ate till I could not move anymore. Then there was some caroling going on. It was really Christmassy. I really enjoyed myself that night. 

Anyway, when the boyfriend opened the present and saw the card, at first he thought I bought some card from the rack and cut off the picture and pasted it on some cheap ass paper and wrote a note behind it. Then when I told him that I drew and coloured it, he was like, “Whoa.” 

Here’s the final outcome.

Sorry for the tiny image size, I took it from his blog.

Anyway, wishing you all Merry Christmas or Happy Boxing Day would be too late. Instead, I would wish you all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

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